CableStripper c3b64e654c 1

Semi-automatic cable and wire stripping machines.


The MultiStrip 9480 family offers six machine versions to cover a wide range of applications andbudgets. With many additional options and accessories the MultiStrip 9480 is the most versatile cut & strip platform on the market.   The MultiStrip 9480 family offers six machine versions to cover a wide range of applications andbudgets. With many additional options and accessories the MultiStrip 9480 is the most versatile cut & strip platform on the market. The fully programmable rotary incision unit (on MR, RS, RSX and RX versions) allows easy processing of high precision coaxial and Multi-layer applications. Additional features, such as our multi-position cutter head, create a nearly endless range of application possibilities. Each machine can be easily interfaced with Schleuniger’s vast line of integrated accessories to create a fully automatic wire processing production line. Expand your capabilitiesWith features like our multi-position cutter head, application possibilities are nearly endless. Maximize your productivityMinimize your changeover time and maximize your production. Save time with fast and easy setups. Simplify your programmingEach of the six machine versions featurea powerful control software. The unique programming concept will impress both experts and beginners. Precision is our passionDon‘t waste time and money on inaccurate wire processing. Be precise. At Schleuniger download download  

Processing Stations for CrimpCenter

CSU (CenterStripping Unit)

cscsu webThe CenterStrip CSU is designed to precisely strip insulation windows from wires and multi-layer cables in a range from 0.5 – 10 mm² (20 – 8 AWG). Short cycle times, simple operation, and easy integration make the CenterStrip CSU an ideal add-on to automatic wire processing systems such as fully automatic crimping machines or cut & strip machines.
  • Full insulation cut-out (window)
  • Easy integration with various automatic wire processing machines
  • Excellent accessibility with vertically raising safety cover
  • Fast and simple change-over to other cross sections / stripping lengths
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SLD 4100 – Double Gripper Module for CrimpCenter

SLD 4100 web
The SLD 4100 double gripper module is used for double crimping applications of wires from 1 - 4 mm (0.039" - 0.157") in outer diameter. The unit gathers two single wires in the proper orientation allowing the swivel arm gripper to collect them for the crimping process. Horizontal or vertical orientation is fully programmable and no mechanical adjustments are necessary. Individual wire lengths can be different and positioning offsets can be programmed to ensure optimal crimping results.
  • Compact, fully pneumatic module
  • Individual wire lengts can be different
  • Programmable wire orientation and offsets
  • All parameters are fully programmable (no mechanical adjustments)
  • Simple programming directly in CrimpCenter EASY software


STS 1100 –Tinning Station

STS 1100 web

The STS 1100 tinning station is designed specifically to resist the corrosive properties of lead-free solder. The station includes an integrated flux unit for tinning cross sections up to 2.5mm2 (14 AWG) and tinning lengths up to 5mm (0.2"). Cross sections up to 4 mm² (12 AWG) and tinning lengths up to 10 mm (0.39'') may be possible but testing should be done.

  • Short cycle times
  • Full control via CrimpCenter EASY operating software
  • Designed for use with lead-free solder
  • Consistently tinned diameters
  • Wire cross sections up to 2.5 mm² (14 AWG), up to 4 mm² (12 AWG)

UniCrimp 221 A – Crimping Station for CrimpCenter Series

UC 22x front left 01 kb edit bac59fc677

The UniCrimp 221 is a crimping station designed for high speed production on CrimpCenter series machines. The station includes integrated crimp force monitoring with the Schleuniger CFM 20 as well as a height adjustable base frame. It accepts most side- or rear-feed mini-style crimping applicators with either mechanical or pneumatic feed.

  • Suited for precise high speed crimping
  • Integrated crimp force monitoring
  • Automatic crimp height adjustment
  • Suitable for all standard crimp applicators

UniCrimp LPC A – Crimping Station for loose piece terminals

UC LPC A web

The UniCrimp LPC A crimping station processes turned loose piece terminals (closed barrel) with a cross section range from 0.14 – 4 mm² (26 – 12 AWG). With low space requirements and less than 1.5 seconds cycle time, the station has been specifically designed for use in automatic systems such as the Schleuniger CrimpCenter series of fully automatic crimping machines.

  • High precision & repeatability according to MIL spec 22520
  • Short cycle times
  • Change-over of terminal type in < 5 minutes
  • Simple operation with PILOT handheld
  • Crimp depth step-less adjustable

КМ-CFK  – Compacting Station – Resistant Welding

STR1000 KMCFK web

The Strunk KM-CFK welding station will compact (compress, form, and bond) stripped wire ends from 0.5 up to 6 mm² (20 AWG - 10 AWG) on the CrimpCenter 6-series machines through a resistance welding process. Depending on the CrimpCenter model, one or both wire ends can be compacted or the process can be combined with other processing steps. The system includes the KM-CFK station, a separate control unit and a separate (optional) cooling unit.

  • Reliable compacting process
  • Very short cycle times
  • Easy adjusting for various wire cross sections
  • Quality assurance with automatic data storage (optional PC controller)

SLU 3000 – Sealing Station for CrimpCenter Series

slu3000 web

The SLU 3000 sealing station is perfectly suited for applying weather seals on wire ends with the fully automatic cut strip terminate machines of the CrimpCenter series. The compact unit with its proven technology is specifically designed for high-speed processing of almost all seal types.

  • Compact design
  • Processing of almost all seal types
  • Fast change-overs without any tools
  • Short cycle times
  • Optional seal-check available

STW 1100 – Twisting Station for CrimpCenter

STW 1100 web

The STW 1100 twisting station is specifically designed for twisting conductor end strands on CrimpCenter series, fully automatic strip and terminate machines . It easily handles wire sizes up to 2.5 mm² (14 AWG) and twists conductor end strands of stripped wires up to 18 mm (0.71'') stripping length. It is typically used in conjunction with the STS 1100 tinning station.

  • Short cycle times and fast changeover times
  • Can be mounted inside the press to minimize station requirements
  • Can be mounted outside the press on its own pedestal for optimum flexibility
  • Programmable twist rates and wire pull-out speeds
  • All production parameters programmed and stored through the machine interface

UniCrimp 500 A – Crimping Station for CrimpCenter

UC 500A web

The UniCrimp 500 A is a crimping machine with 5 tons of press forces. It processes both rear and side feed banded terminals (open or closed barrel type) for cable cross sections up to 16 mm² (6 AWG).

  • For processing large cable cross sections up to 16 mm² (6 AWG)
  • For processing rear and side feed banded terminals
  • Short cycle times
  • Quick-change applicator base plate
  • Optional crimp force monitoring

CSU (CenterStripping Unit) - Прозоръчно зачистване

cscsu webCenterStrip CSU е проектиран за прецизно прозоръчно зачистване на изолация на проводници и многослойни кабели в границите от 0.5 до 10 кв.мм (20 – 8 AWG). Късо време на работния цикъл, лесно опериране и интеграция правят CenterStrip CSU идеалната надстройка към автоматични обработващи системи (Cut Strip Termnate), както и към режещи и зачистващи машини (Cut & Strip).
  • Цялостно премахване на изолацията (прозоръчно)
  • Лесна интеграция с различни автоматични машини за кабелна обработка
  • Отличен достъп до уреда, чрез вертикално повдигащ се предпазен капак
  • Бърза и лесна промяна към различни сечения и дължини
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SLD 4100 – Сдвояващ модул (позволява кримпване на два проводника с един терминал) за CrimpCenter (Double Gripper Module for CrimpCenter)

SLD 4100 web
SLD 4100 сдвояващ модул, захваща два отделни проводника с външен диаметър от 1 до 4мм в такава правилна позиция, позволяваща на въртящото рамо на основния захващащ модул на машината да ги поеме за обработка. Проводниците впоследствие се транспортират до отделна станция, извършваща процесът на кримпване, като ги сдвоява с един кримп (терминал). Проводниците могат да бъдат с различни дължини.
  • Спестяващ пространство напълно пневматичен модул
  • Хоризонтално или вертикално сдвояване
  • Проводниците, които следва да бъдат сдвоени могат да бъдат с различни дължини
  • Всички параметри са напълно програмируеми (без нужда от механични настройки)
  • Лесно програмиране, директно в ЕASY софтуера на CrimpCenter



STS 1100 – Покалайваща станция за CrimpCenter (Tinning Station)

STS 1100 web

STS 1100 е проектиран за покриване с флюс и без оловно покалайване на зачистени краища на проводници със сечение до 2.5 кв.мм (14 AWG) и покалайване на дължини до 5 мм. С опция за краища на проводници със сечение до 4 кв.мм (12 AWG) и покалайване на дължини до 10 мм.

  • Много кратки времена на работен цикъл
  • Цялостна интеграция и контрол чрез EASY софтуера на CrimpCenter
  • За използване с безоловен калай
  • Постоянни стойности на диаметрите на покалаените проводници
  • За проводници със сечение до 2.5 кв.мм (14 AWG) и с опция до 4 кв.мм (12 AWG)

UniCrimp 221 A – Кримпваща станция за CrimpCenter (Crimping Station for CrimpCenter Series)

UC 22x front left 01 kb edit bac59fc677

Високотехнологичните компоненти, правят 20kN-та кримпваща преса UniCrimp 220 А, перфектното станция за високо-ефективно кримпване на CrimpCenter 36. Регулируемата височна на основата, позволява на пресата да бъде нагодена към позицията на въртящото се рамо, за постигане на много висока скорост на кримпване. Пресата прецизно обработва проводници до 6 кв.мм (10 AWG).

  • Подходяща за прецизно, високо-скоростно кримпване
  • Вграденя следяща функция (мониторинг) на силата на кримпване
  • Автоматична настройка на височината на кримпване
  • Подходяща за всички стандартни кримп-апликатори.

UniCrimp LPC A – Кримпваща станция за насипни терминали (кримпове) – (Crimping Station for loose piece terminals)

UC LPC A web

Кримпващата станция UniCrimp LPC A, обработва свободно-ориентирани насипни терминали (тип затворен цилиндър) със сечения от 0.14 до 4 кв.мм (26 – 12 AWG). С компактния си дизайн и време на работен цикъл по-малко от 1.5 сек., станцията е проектирана специално за използването в автоматични машини за кабелна обработка като сериите CrimpCenter на Schleuniger.

  • Висока прецизност и повторяемост на процесите (според MIL spec 22520)
  • Къси времена на работния цикъл
  • Времена за смяна на типа терминали < 5 мин.
  • Лесно опериране с ръчно управление PILOT
  • Безстъпкова програмируема дълбочина на кримпване

КМ-CFK – Съпротивително спояване (уплътняваща станция) – (Compacting Station – Resistant Welding)

STR1000 KMCFK web

Със станцията за уплътняване КМ-CFK, зачистените краища на проводници със сечение от 0.5 до 6 кв.мм (20 – 10 АWG) се уплътняват, чрез процес на съпротивително спояване, на напълно автоматичните машини от серията CrimpCenter. В зависимост от модела на CrimpCenter, единият или двата края на проводника се уплътняват, а съществува възможност и процесът да бъде комбиниран с други стъпки на обработка.

  • Надежден процес на вплътняване
  • Много кратки времена на работния цикъл
  • Лесно настройване за проводници с различни сечения
  • Възможност за контрол на качеството с автоматично събиране на данни (опция – PC контролер)

SLU 3000 – Станция за поставяне на уплътнения (Sealing Station for CrimpCenter Series)

slu3000 web

Станцията за поставяне на уплътнения (Seals) SLU 3000 е перфектното решение, за поставяне на уплътнения (повишаващи устойчивостта на атмосферни влияния) на краищата на проводници, чрез автоматичните машини за рязане, зачистване и готова продукция от серията CrimpCenter. Компактното устройство, чрез доказаната си технология е специално проектирано за високо-скоростна обработка на почти всички видове уплътнения.

  • Компактен дизайн
  • Обработка на почти всички видове уплътнения
  • Кратки времена за смяна без необходимост от инструменти
  • Кратки времена на работен цикъл
  • Опция за проверка на уплътненията

STW 1100 – Усукваща станция (Twisting Station for CrimpCenter)

STW 1100 web

Усукващата станция STW 1100 е специално проектирана за усукването на вътрешните жила на проводници, обработени чрез машините от серията CrimpCenter. Тя с лекота обработва проводници с размер до 2.5 кв.мм (14 AWG) и усуква вътрешните жила на зачистени проводници с дължина до 18 мм. Принципно STW 1100 се използва съвместно със станцията за покалайване STS 1100.

  • Кратко време на работния цикъл
  • Може да бъде използвана, като отделна работна станция или като част от конфигурация на CrimpCenter
  • Директно програмируема, чрез ЕASY – софтуера, част от CrimpCenter
  • Кратки времена за смяна на параметрите

UniCrimp 500 A – Кримпваща станция (Crimping Station for CrimpCenter)

UC 500A web

UniCrimp 500 A e кримпваща машина със сила на натиск от 5 тона. Обработва както задно подавани, така и странично подавани терминали (кримпове) на ролка от отворен или затворен тип за кабели със сечения до 16 кв.мм (6 AWG).

  • За обработка на големи сечения кабели до 16 кв.мм (6 AWG)
  • За обработка на задно и странично подавани терминали (кримпове) на ролка
  • Кратки времена на работен цикъл
  • Бърза смяна на основата на кримпващия апликатор
  • Опция за следене (мониторинг) на силата на присъединяване на кримпа


Fully automatic machines for high speed wire processing. A simple user interface, quick set-up and machine efficiency provides high productivity for a wide range of applications. Processing capabilities include crimping, sealing, tinning, twisting, and coaxial applications.

CrimpCenter 36S

CrimpCenter 36 s low v2 col 205178919f

Equipped with reliable high precision technology, the CrimpCenter 36 S features a compact modular design offering space for up to 6 processing stations without compromising the high Schleuniger quality standards of the 6-Series. Various configuration possibilities allow for a variety of applications to be processed with cross sections from 0.13 to 4 mm² (26 - 12 AWG). An optimal combination of proven state-of-the-art components results in outstanding production rates.

  • Compact modular design
  • Great flexibility with up to 6 processing stations
  • High end components for highest precision
  • Easy operations with touchscreen and icon-based EASY software
  • Simple network integration in existing infrastructure with standard TCP/IP
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CrimpCenter 64

CC 64 new

The CrimpCenter 64 is a fully automatic swivel arm crimping machine with up to 4 processing stations. At a maximum feed rate of 12 m/s (39.4 ft/s), the CrimpCenter 64 allows high-quality crimping, sealing, twisting and tinning of wires from 0.13 to 6 mm² (26 - 10 AWG) at maximum productivity.

  • High performance and short setup times
  • Simple operation with state-of-the-art software and touch screen
  • Easy network integration
  • Wide range of options and accessories available
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CrimpCenter 67 

CC 67 webThe CrimpCenter 67 accommodates up to seven stations (max. 3 crimp stations) and is ideal for customers with a large variety of applications such as crimping, doubling, sealing, tinning, twisting and welding. A multitude of applications can be processed with minimal set-up times.

  • Maximum flexibility and high performance
  • Simple operation with state-of-the-art software and touch screen
  • Easy network integration with TCP/IP protocol
  • Wide range of options and accessories available

CrimpCenter HD16

CC 67 HD16 web

The CrimpCenter 67 HD16 is a fully automatic swivel arm crimping machine with up to 4 processing stations. It is ideally suited for medium to large cable applications from 6 to 16 mm² (10 - 6 AWG). At a maximum feed rate of up to 12 m/s (39.4 ft/s), this versatile fully automatic crimping machine allows high quality crimping and sealing of wires at maximum productivity.

  • Production of larger cables up to 16 mm² (6 AWG)
  • High performance and short setup times
  • Simple operation with state-of-the-art software and touch screen
  • Easy network integration
  • Wide range of options and accessories available
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Seno-Sofia Ltd.

Company Seno-Sofia OOD is established in the year of 1991. The company main activities are organized in 3 main groups:

Official representation, import and technical support (authorized service) of equipment and machines for cable processing (cutting, stripping, twisting, tinning, crimping, quality control), manufactured by company Schleuniger - Switzerland.

Delivery of cable connection components: crimp terminals, connectors, terminals, housings. Rocker-switches, selectors, signal light, safety relays, power cords from European manufacturers: Escubedo - Spain, Colombo Sergio, Everel - Italy, Elesta Relays - Switzerland, Patelec - Poland.

Solutions for buildin installations and home living comfort. Thermostats, intelligent electronic progamators for control of complete systems or single electric appliances, automated sensors for presence, motion, climate occurences - from company Theben - Germany.

Crimp Quality Assurance

Schleuniger offers a variety of quality assurance products from crimp force monitoring and pullforce testing devices to micrograph systems and fully integrated networks including software for central data management and analysis.



Precision crimp height measurement 
devices for stand-alone use or integration
with CrimpCenter machines


Motorized pull force testing devices 
with maximum force limits ranging 
from 500 N (110 lbs) up to 10,000 N (2,200 lbs).


ACO07 overview 19aac15296

Crimp force monitoring solutions 
for bench top crimping presses.


Crimp cross-sectioning equipment 
and measurement softwar

Crimp Micrograph Analysis


MicroGraph System (MGS) – Modular System for Crimp Cross Section Analysis
MGS new

Crimp cross sectional analysis has quickly become an integral part of the crimp quality process. With the MicroGraph System (MGS), crimp cross-sectional images can created in a fraction of the time compared to conventional methods.

The combined sawing-polishing process, innovative electrolyte staining process, and high precision optics result in high quality images for thorough analysis of the connection. The carbide metal saw blade cuts so cleanly that polishing is most often not required.

Schleuniger’s MicroGraph System (MGS) is a complete system for making cross sectional analysis for a variety of different products. The MGS includes a SawPolish Unit (SPU), an ElectrolyteStaining Unit (ESU 6) and a MacroZoom Unit (MZU 1.3) with analysis software. Depending on the size and range of samples to be analyzed, systems can include larger or smaller SPU devices. The MGS 6 includes the SPU 6 for processing samples up to 6 mm2 (10AWG). The MGS 60 includes the SPU 60 up to 60 mm2 (1/0 AWG).

Optional, ergonomically designed work tables or mobile carts are available depending on the desired work process and space requirements. Options and accessories for the individual components can be found on the corresponding component pages.

  • Fast, economic cross-sectioning equipment
  • Simple and efficient software for analysis and documentation
  • Modular components provide utmost flexibility
  • Different sample holders and options for a wide variety of applications
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ElectrolyteStaining Unit (ESU) – Sample staining unit for Crimp Cross Section Analysis

ESU 6 web

The ESU 6 ElectrolyteStaining Unit is a component of the MicroGraph System for the creation of high quality cross-sectional images of crimp connections and other applications.

The ESU 6 utilizes a staining solution with Ph level of 7, which is equal to water. Therefore, the staining process is simple and fast yet much safer than conventional systems that utilize acid solutions to etch the face of the sample.

The ESU 6 can be purchased as a component of the complete MicroGraph System or purchased individually.

  • Safe, simple handling
  • Quick, efficient staining
  • No special purchasing due to hazardous chemicals
  • No special hazardous chemical safety equipment required
  • Environmentally-friendly
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MacroZoom Unit (MZU 1.3) – Sample inspection system for Crimp Cross Section Analysis

MZU1 3 webThe MZU 1.3 MacroZoom Unit is a component of the MicroGraph System for the creation of high quality cross-sectional images of crimp connections and other applications. The MZU 1.3 includes the microscope unit plus the analysis software. It features 9 incremental zoom steps that can be individually calibrated for accurate measurements. The 1.3 Megapixel camera provides high quality images and lighting can be adjusted either mechanically on the LED ring light or by the software. A wide lens coverage (field of view) makes this unit well suited to handle a variety of applications.
  • Precise results in real-time
  • Simple connection and installation with standard PC
  • Clear illumination with LED ring light
  • Analysis according to international standards
  • Quality software for measuring and analysis
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SawPolish Unit 6 (SPU 6) – Sawing & polishing unit for Crimp Cross Section Analysis

SPU 6 web

The SPU 6 Saw & Polishing Unit is a component of the MicroGraph System for the creation of high quality cross-sectional images of crimp connections and others.

  • Very simple handling
  • Efficient and quick cleaning
  • Cleaning directly under the optics possible
  • No waiting time
  • Environmentally-friendly
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SawPolish Unit 60 (SPU 60) – Режещ и полиращ уред за анализ на напречен разрез на кримп-връзка (Sawing & polishing unit for Crimp Cross Section Analysis) 
SPU 60 web

The SPU 60 Saw & Polishing Unit is a component of the MicroGraph System for the creation of high quality cross-sectional images of crimp connections and others.

  • Excellent cutting surface
  • Sawing & polishing in one working step
  • Wide cross section range up to 60 mm²
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Crimp Presses

CrimpPress01 ddfb86e161Bench top crimping solutions for a variety of applications.

Crimp Height Measurement Device (CHM)

CHM – Crimp Height Measurement Device
CHMThe CHM device simplifies the crimp height measurement process resulting in faster measurement time and improved consistency.
  • Pin & blade measuring points
  • Easier terminal positioning
  • Consistent measuring force
  • Improved reliability and repeatability
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Products, solutions and services - innovative products to reduce costs, increase efficiency and quality. Cutting, stripping, crimping, block loading and marking of cables of all types - with Schleuniger machines in an attractive design. The range of cables which can be processed, is huge and depends on your needs. Short setup times, high flexibility, a networkable software and the intuitive operation of our machines complement with our wide range of accessories.

Schleuniger Technologies are patent protected.

Fully automatic machines for high speed wire processing. A simple user interface, quick set-up and machine efficiency provides high productivity for a wide range of applications. Processing capabilities include crimping, sealing, tinning, twisting, and coaxial applications.

From universal crimp applicators to pneumatic crimping machines, programmable stripping & crimping machines and crimp quality assurance equipment such as crimp force monitoring or pull testing machines, Schleuniger offers solutions for all your crimping needs.


Turn your automatic cutting or cut & strip machine into a fully automatic processing system with accessories for prefeeding, wire marking, inkjet printing, labeling, wire stacking, cable coiling and tying. From basic to high-end, we offer solutions tailored to your production needs.




elesta relays headquarter

The company ELESTA relays GmbH established in the Swiss town of Bad Ragaz is one of the leading producers in the field of safety relays with forcibly guided contacts. A very comprehensive programme of safety relays enables ELESTA relays to offer the right product for just about all application areas. 
Specializing in relays with forcibly guided contacts, ELESTA relays impresses its customers and the market over and over again with innovation which sets distinct benchmarks in the world of safety relays.

elesta relays headquarter

The company ELESTA relays GmbH established in the Swiss town of Bad Ragaz is one of the leading producers in the field of safety relays with forcibly guided contacts. A very comprehensive programme of safety relays enables ELESTA relays to offer the right product for just about all application areas. 
Specializing in relays with forcibly guided contacts, ELESTA relays impresses its customers and the market over and over again with innovation which sets distinct benchmarks in the world of safety relays.